For a while WPB CMS has offered texting. We have some improvements to announce & a BIG SALE!
Email us here or call Tom at (203) 967-1800 ext. 2009 and we will get right back to you!
Of course, you can send on demand text messages to your VIP Club and all of the sub-lists (eg: contest entrants) and do on demand searches by zip code, age, gender, etc… but now there is a texting INBOX and texting support for SECRET WORD CONTESTS.
Let’s go through the uses of texting at a top line:
1. Blast Texts: News Alert / Contest texts your entire texting audience.
2. Text in to Enter Contests: With the Contesting tool, users can text in a word or series of words get entered into the contest. If they’re not members of the VIP CLub, they get added and requested to fill out the data you require.
3. INBOX to Collect Audience Content: Request / Dedicate Songs, Receive Breaking News, Receive “Swap Shop” items – All texts flow into an INBOX where producers and talent can monitor, publish and REPLY TO inbound texts.
We also know that many of you need more registered users who include their cell phone numbers in their profile. If you sign up for a texting package during this sale, we will for no addtional charge:
- Adjust all of your VIP forms to collect (optionally require) cell phone numbers.
- Adjust all of your contests and retrain staff as needed to maximize cell number collection.
- We will help you create three marketing emails to be sent to your registered users to incentivize them to add their cell numbers to their profile based on sucess we have had with other clients.
- Hold two dedicated training periods for digital staff, show producers and talent to work with them on how to use the system in their shows & work flow.
The monthly rate is 50% off and depends on the number of messages you send and receive and the low set up cost is can split over six months. We’re talking monthlies starting at $50!
Email and we will get right back to you!