Steven Spielberg Is The First Director To Cross $10 Billion Worldwide

Steven Spielberg has just made history, becoming the first director to see the gross of his movies exceed $10 billion worldwide. After three weeks in theaters, Ready Player One has earned $114.9 million in the U.S., bringing its global total to $475.1 million. 1993’s Jurassic Park remains Spielberg’s biggest commercial success ($984 million) and other smash hits include 2008’s Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull ($787 million) and 1983’s E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial ($717 million) have garnered Spielberg this honor. Meanwhile the 71-year old Spielberg shows no signs of slowing down, as the filmmaker is currently developing a West Side Story remake and has a fifth Indiana Jones adventure film in the works.

Steven Spielberg is first director to achieve this movie milestone


Editorial credit: BAKOUNINE /