Rob Zombie Shares First Look At Captain Spaulding In 'Three From Hell'

Rob Zombie completed his trio of behind-the-scenes sneak peeks of Three From Hell, his highly-anticipated follow-up to The Devil’s Rejects, by sharing a photo of Sid Haig as Captain Spaulding. The Devil’s Rejects, which is a sequel to Zombie’s debut film House of 1000 Corpses, took a trio of characters from that film and put them on a road trip from Hell, causing chaos and carnage at every stop along the way.Zombie shared the obscured shot of the actor and added the caption, “Another Three From Hell exclusive! Spaulding is escorted to his cell. Justice! Free The Three!”  The movie will not be released until some time in 2019. Check out some teasers in the linked article below.  

New Shots From Third Devil’s Rejects Sequel Posted


Editorial credit: Sterling Munksgard /