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Republicans Hope To Confirm Kavanaugh This Weekend After Review Of FBI Report


Republicans gained confidence on Thursday that U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh would win Senate confirmation, this after two wavering lawmakers responded positively to an FBI report on accusations of sexual misconduct against the judge. The report was sent by the White House to the Senate Judiciary Committee in the middle of the night. Democrats have denounced it as a “whitewash” that was “too narrow in scope” and claimed it ignored critical witnesses. Thousands of anti-Kavanaugh protesters rallied outside the Supreme Court and entered a Senate office building, holding signs such as “Believe Survivors” and “Kava-Nope.” Depiste this, Republicans moved forward with plans for a key procedural vote on Friday and a final vote on Saturday on confirming Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.

Republican hopes rise for Kavanaugh confirmation; Democrats decry report ‘whitewash’

Via www.reuters.com