News with Video


NEW YORK (77 WABC) – The Pentagon released video footage on Wednesday of the raid that took out ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.  The footage was taken from a U.S. military aircraft that was flying above Baghdadi’s Syrian compound.

U.S. Marine Corps General Kenneth F. McKenzie Jr. who is the commander of the U.S. Central Command described the operation of how ground troops dealt with adults and children exiting the compound.

McKenzie reported that a total of 5 ISIS members which included 4 men and 1 woman who were a threat to the operation were killed inside the compound.  As the U.S. troops closed in on Baghdadi after he ran into a tunnel, McKenzie clarified that he used his suicide vest to blow himself along with two young children who were by his side.

The U.S. Central Command reported that Baghdadi’s remains were buried at sea.

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