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Author: Michael Hines

More San Diego!

KPRI FM, a leading music station in San Diego joins the world of the new responsive, WPB powered site line.  We’re happy to have...Read More

Zoom Zoom The Money

We’re paraphrasing in the title but Lotus Las Vegas’ komp.com is showing the money via a promotion “Zoom Zoom with Brittany.”  Zoom over to this WordPressForBroadcasters.com site!...Read More

"Loyalty" vs. Loyalty

Think of the qualities which make you loyal to some person, place or thing: It doesn’t let you down. It gives you what want...Read More

WPB Crossed 50 Sites

Good Day to you fine digital publisher.  Living up to the old axiom, when you are in this business that the site you least update...Read More

WPB Social Config

Today we have launched a new plugin to help you send your posts to your Facebook and Twitter accounts. Associate your account once and...Read More