Dr. Sky: Civilian takes historic space walk 870 miles above Earth
Speaker 02:
I wonder what Bill O'Reilly feels about what the heck is going on in the European community threatening. threatening Donald J. Trump.
Speaker 04:
Yeah, and Elon Musk saying this conversation about two hours from now shouldn't take place. And we have the great mega non-fiction best-selling author, also host of Common Sense, with Bill O'Reilly every weeknight here on WABC Radio at 9 o'clock. Bill, can you believe this? The European Union sends a letter saying don't let Trump do disinformation tonight, trying to clamp him down on X, formerly Twitter. Can you believe this?
Speaker 03:
Well, yeah, I can believe it. I want to see the letter. Do you have it?
Speaker 02:
Yes, we have a copy of it. I'll try to get it to you.
Speaker 04:
Yeah, we'll try to get it to you right away. They're saying, you know, that he shouldn't be allowed on. It's disinformation.
Speaker 03:
And that is the president of the EU out of Brussels. Is this what What's going on?
Speaker 04:
It's coming from the EU. I don't know if it's signed by the president, but it's signed by, yeah, we'll get it to you right away.
Speaker 02:
We'll get it to you. You know, Bill O'Reilly stands for facts. He does.
Speaker 03:
That's why we love Bill. I'll take a look at it overnight, and I'll have it tomorrow, Tuesday, on Common Sense on WABC. I want to see exactly what the wording is and what they're doing. But isn't it ironic that finally Europe has a victory, and a big one, at the Olympics. And Macron and his crew did an excellent job putting that thing on. They did. You'll remember, Paris is a fairly soft terror target. And the soccer game intrusion that I wrote about in Killing the Killers, and they're loaded with jihadists in Paris and the outskirts. And they put that thing on without any disruption at all. They knocked down the two, one on the train, one on the Eiffel Tower quickly, and it came off great. And so that's a huge victory for France in particular and Europe that they were able to do this in a way that impressed the whole world. And even further than that, as an American, I was obviously rooting for the American team, but I was ready for stupid stuff. I'm always ready for stupid stuff. That's my whole life, dealing with stupid stuff. On my tombstone, it's going to read, he finally stopped dealing with stupid stuff.
Speaker 04:
We'll remember that, Bill. We'll remember that.
Speaker 03:
So I was ready for some of these athletes, particularly on the men's basketball team and the women's basketball teams, to do dopey, you know, anti-American stuff. gestures or kneeling. Right. Yeah. Right. That's what we're used to. The Megan Rapinoe stuff. I hate my country, but give me all the money you can possibly give me. That's the philosophy. Okay. But it never happened. In fact, the opposite happened that the NBA men's players picked up the American flag, guys of color. They were proud of their country and I was proud of them. And then when we win the, By far, the best athletes on Earth live in the United States. And we do it fairly unlike China, where China, if you're an athlete, that's all you do. You have no other life. OK, around the calendar, you're doing you're jumping on the gymnastic thing or you're in the pool. Here, these people actually have lives that they have families, not in China. All right. So the system here is you compete and you win. So at the end, when I was watching it yesterday, and they were all there, the whole crew all around the world, and you could see the joy in their faces. You could see it. And I was so proud of my country, the United States, but also the world, that you saw these younger people celebrating this once-in-a-lifetime experience for many of them, competing in All right. In a fair way. And I mean, it was I've been around and I've been to 86 countries. And this was a highlight of my life to see that yesterday in the Olympics.
Speaker 04:
What did you make, Bill, of the boxing, though? How about the Algerian boxer?
Speaker 03:
I don't know. OK, I would not. I got to use my words carefully here. This woman looks like she has a birth defect of some kind. That's what it looks like. Now, further than that, one body says she can't compete because of the birth defect, and the other Olympic crew says she can't. What am I going to do as a journalist? I don't know. I wouldn't box her. I'd give her a lot of money not to hit me.
Speaker 02:
The other question is, what's her DNA say? Is she a female or male? Because they said she has a birth defect that she has both sets of chromosomes.
Speaker 03:
Right. From what I understand. But, John, I mean, I'm not qualified on this. All right. The closest I got to a medical situation was having dinner with Ken Langone. That's it. I don't know anything.
Speaker 01:
Hey, Bill, this is Pete King. If I can just get back to the security issue, I just want to double down on everything you said. A good friend of mine was doing security for a major corporation over there, an American corporation, and she was telling me it was just phenomenal, the coordination between the French, the police, the military, and all of the other. It was total cooperation with all the world security people, and it was led by the French. Great job by them.
Speaker 03:
It was. And when you compare that to what happened to Trump just a month ago, okay, and you're saying, hey, No excuse. There is no excuse for what happened to Trump. None. And I don't want to see blame. I want to see people replaced. But I think that in this summer, I just wrote a little column beyond Bill O'Reilly dot com tomorrow morning, the summer of no love. Remember the summer of love 1968? Well, some of you were around, but this is the summer of no love. Everybody hates everybody in the political realm. And so that was such a relief to see that. And, you know, Macron, I'm not down on him. I don't think he's a bad leader. France, not particularly one of my favorite countries.
Speaker 01:
I agree with you on that, Bill.
Speaker 03:
But, you know, let's be fair here. I think WABC, from what I've been now, what, four years, Katz, you've had me on? I think it's four.
Speaker 02:
Is it four of a 30-year contract or what?
Speaker 03:
Yeah, cats and matins will come to my house if I don't renew and I don't want that. So WABC listeners are fair people. The mail I get and everything and stuff like that, they seem to be. It's not like some of these talk radio stations, which I really hate, hate, hate, hate. Not getting that from the WABC crew. You know, they're inquisitive and strong opinions and New Yorkers, obviously. But they're kind of fair. And I think that the fair assessment is that we're in, in the United States, one of the most hateful times ever. But that Olympic thing was a sense of relief. And I want to tell everybody that Confronting the Presidents, my book, will be out September 10th. It's going to put a lot of this political stuff in context. A lot of what we're doing now.
Speaker 02:
Bill, the other thing that came out, what was the threat that the police commissioner of the U.K. put out?
Speaker 03:
Well, this England thing is very interesting. I don't know whether you guys know this, but I lived there for a year. And England has not evolved like the United States. When I was there in 69, 70, it's the same place. It hasn't evolved at all. And what they're worried about in England is the so-called far right, the people who hate the migrants, which is why they left Brexit. The Brexit thing was all about migration. It wasn't about economics. And now that that terrible stabbing by an African, he's not convicted yet, but he did. And these young girls who were stabbed, now every right-wing kook in the world, all right, from Aberdeen, Scotland, down to Penzance, is coming out and threatening violence. So those people got their handful over there. And remember, most of the police agencies in England don't carry firearms. We got our hands full in New York City. Think about that for a moment. So you have a rebellion. You have violence breaking out in the streets generated by these people who hate the migrants. And you've got cops with no guns.
Speaker 04:
But do you know what's interesting, Bill? The thing with the UK commissioner, they're also saying that they want to go after even Americans for making comments online. I mean, that's how far they're stretching it.
Speaker 03:
Yeah, look, they've always been that way over there. BillOReilly.com is worldwide now. We're aced out of a lot of European countries. They won't allow us to broadcast. We get around that by YouTube, interestingly enough. We're getting around it. You get around to it by WABC. Yeah, I mean, look, in Iceland, I think that, you know, we're huge over there.
Speaker 1:
Speaker 03:
The intrusion that saying to an American citizen and who owns a company, Elon Musk, that you can't interview a presidential candidate, that's absurd and ridiculous, which is why I'm going to have to take a hard look at it, because I'm going to put it on somebody.
Speaker 02:
We sent you a copy of the letter. Yeah.
Speaker 03:
Yeah. I'm going to put it on from somebody's front step tomorrow. Name and face.
Speaker 04:
Yeah, it's shocking. It just feels so, you know, and it comes, Bill, at a time where, you know, we've seen a lot of the sort of lawfare against Trump. So it comes at a time where here he's finally doing something, you know, back on Twitter. And obviously, look, the American public deserves to hear from him. And then they can make their own informed decision how they want to vote in November. But to say you can't hear from him, it just it feels un-American, Bill.
Speaker 03:
Well, it's on everything, not just un-American. I mean, it's unfreedom. You know, if people value freedom and, you know, a lot of people read it, I'm seeing in this election, they don't really care about their personal freedom too much. I mean, you want California Kamala as president, you're going to see a lot of your personal freedom. And if you don't understand that, maybe you don't deserve to have freedom.
Speaker 04:
Wow, that's a powerful comment. I'm telling you, Bill, and also this Walls guy, the more I hear about Tim Walls, I'm reading something here, marched with abolished ICE protesters. I mean, you know.
Speaker 03:
I know you guys got to go on one more comment. If I were an undocumented migrant who is transitioning, I would move to Minnesota.
Speaker 04:
That says everything about Tim Rawls. Yeah, that says everything. That says everything. Bill, thank you so much. We'll be definitely tuning in tonight to Common Sense with Bill O'Reilly at 9 o'clock. Thanks so much, Bill. Really important discussion. Thank you.
Speaker 03:
Thank you, Bill.
Speaker 04:
Thanks so much.